StrongChain CTA

Now Featured on StrongChain Testnet

Powering the next evolution in Blockchain
Faster, lower network fees, and more rewarding
NOW AVAILABLE on the StrongChain Testnet

How do I get started?
- Request whitelist access to StrongChain on our Discord
- Get Testnet tokens from the Testnet Faucet
- Connect your wallet to the Testnet
- Use the Testnet version of StrongBlock NaaS 2.0 App
- Use the Testnet version of StrongChain Swap
- Use the Testnet version of StrongChain Bridge

Please confirm token addresses by reviewing tokens posted on the StrongChain Explorer.

--- CAUTION ---
This is a StrongChain Testnet. Any token in your wallet on this network CANNOT be transferred to any Ethereum based network. Testnet tokens have no monetary value. All parameters are subject to change until StrongChain goes into production. There is no Service Level Agreement (SLA) for this Testnet, it may be taken offline at any time and without warning. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Introducing StrongChain

We're excited to announce the private Testnet launch of StrongChain, a Layer 1 EVM-compatible Proof Of Authority (POA) blockchain that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications. StrongChain is the foundation of a low-gas blockchain ecosystem where participants can benefit from more aspects of the chain.

Since February 2022, when the StrongChain Light Paper was released, we've launched private iterations of many different Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, deployed smart contracts and DApps on them, tested their performance, and compared them against an Ethereum baseline. Our research revealed why Ethereum is the perfect base on which to build StrongChain into the reward-generating ecosystem we know it can become.

We are designing, prototyping, and testing:

- Reward generating DApps
- Validator Participation
- Utilities (including a public block explorer)
- A token bridge between Ethereum and StrongChain
- An IBC solution
- A decentralized storage solution
- And more…

We will build towards our vision over time, revealing more of StrongChain in each phase.

Release Roadmap

Following is a general roadmap, subject to change. This page will be regularly updated to reflect the current phase and details of that phase.

Current Phase: Whitelist Testnet 2.0
Release Date: August 29, 2023 (9th iteration)

NEW! Whitelisted Swap on StrongChain Released April 30, 2024 Read FAQ

Whitelisted Bridge on StrongChain Released January 30, 2024 Read FAQ

Whitelisted NaaS on StrongChain Released November 14, 2023 Read more

StrongChain Hackathon was held October 15 2023 through October 30 2023.

Whitelist Faucet Released September 13, 2023 Connect to Faucet

In this phase, we are now providing access to those on the Whitelist. The StrongChain Proof of Authority (POA) EVM environment includes a block explorer, a test token faucet, and a smart contract verifier.

--- CAUTION ---
This is a StrongChain Testnet. Any token in your wallet on this network CANNOT be transferred to any Ethereum based network. Testnet tokens have no monetary value. All parameters are subject to change until StrongChain goes into production. There is no Service Level Agreement (SLA) for this Testnet, it may be taken offline at any time and without warning. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Whitelisted members can see the Block Explorer. To connect to the StrongChain Whitelist RPC endpoint, you will need to click on the "Add StrongChain Testnet Link" on the footer of the Block Explorer.

Democratizing Blockchain

Despite the proliferation of Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, decentralization remains an elusive goal. Decentralization - the transfer of control and decision-making from a centralized entity to a distributed network - is easy to talk about, but difficult to achieve. We believe the only way true decentralization can be achieved is in gradual steps. By gradually democratizing validation, value will now accrue to more participants, instead of only benefitting the miners on another chain.

StrongChain will create an economy that will run on resources provided by its participants, who will also be consumers of those resources. In this way, the ecosystem can begin paying for itself, while participants can influence its development, and benefit from its growth.

We believe StrongChain presents an amazing blockchain use-case, while meeting our philosophical and technical goals of democratizing blockchain participation, and laying the foundation for decentralized governance.

StrongChain Rewards

StrongChain has the potential to offer rewards across the entire blockchain stack. Specific details about this will be forthcoming, but bear in mind these details will change and evolve over time as we shape the future of StrongChain together.

Get Involved

If you're already staking STRNGR in the StrongPool, have Metal NFTs, or NaaS Subscriptions, thank you for your support! You're already in position to participate in StrongChain. You don't need to take any action at this time. Details for participation will be published in subsequent phases.

NaaS subscriptions will remain accessible at, connected to the Ethereum network. New products, services and pools will be added to, connected to StrongChain.

We're looking forward to opening StrongChain DApp development beginning in Phase 3. During that phase, we'll offer opportunities for developers to apply their skills and creativity to build reward-generating dApps. Grants will be available, as will prizes for Hackathons.

Categories we are already exploring in the StrongChain ecosystem include utilities, finance, health, gaming, insurance, art, education and other industries. Additionally, there are many potential partnership opportunities.

Please read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to understand your rights and responsibilities within the StrongBlock ecosystem. All plans for StrongChain are subject to change over time, based on many factors, and are not guaranteed.